Regional Center
If your child would benefit from services from The Regional Center, we will do all that we can to get you into the program. The Regional Center is a non profit organization that provides community based services to those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Representing you as an authorized representative, Ms. Chemelniker will educate and familiarize you with potential services that are attainable based on your child’s needs. A2z Advocacy consulting will be there to help you navigate through every avenue.
1. What is an IEP?An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan which helps your child’s educator understand their specific needs, goals and plans to progress for the annual year, which includes goals, accommodations, and services.
2. Why do I need an advocate in an IEP meeting?An advocate knows all the rules and will know exactly how to set up the right goals. An advocate will ensure that the IEP will reflect your child’s educational support that he/she needs and will ensure that the proper services, accommodations, and goals are implemented.
3. Who is making the decisions for my child’s IEP?The IEP is a collaborated process with the parent/ guardian and the educational staff team at your child’s school. The parents have the right to agree, partially agree or disagree on the IEP.
4. Can my child get expelled from school if they have an IEP?A student with an IEP cannot be suspended for more than 10 total days in a school year without having an IEP meeting to decide if the behavior was associated with the student's disability.
5. When can I have an IEP meeting?You can request an initial IEP meeting for your child when you have any concerns that are impacting their education. It could be an academic concern, social emotional concern, language concern and more. If your child already has an IEP you can request an IEP meeting in writing, anytime you need one, and the school has 30 days to make it happen.
6. How should I request an IEP meeting?You should always request an IEP meeting in writing by reaching out to the school administration, special education coordinator or assistant principal. They have 15 business days to provide you with an assessment plan or a denial letter explaining the reason of the denial.
Regional Centers are private non-profit organizations that are set up throughout the state of California and divided up by regions. The Regional Centers are responsible for providing services and support to those with developmental disabilities and their families all over the state of California and ultimately upholds the laws set forth by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
Regional Centers are responsible for providing diagnosis and assessment of eligibility and they help plan, access, coordinate and monitor the services and supports that are needed because of a developmental disability. After eligibility is determined then a Service Coordinator is typically assigned to help develop a plan for services, explain where services are available, and help you obtain the approved services for your child.
North LA - https://www.nlacrc.org/about-us
West LA - https://westsiderc.org/
East LA - https://www.elarc.org/
Tri Counties - https://www.tri-counties.org/